After breakfast we started our work very excitedly because all the teams had to prepare their presentations. Most groups used similar methods: the members decided how to divide work in order to provide the most interesting and suitable challenges for everybody. During the week we took excellent photos which we could include in our presentations. We could utilise all the benefits of working in an international team. We could communicate very effectively and all of us could use his or her strong points. We could realise that regardless of the countries we are from, we can make very good presentations. Some of the groups used „prezi” instead of powerpoint. While we were preparing some visitors came to visit us and study how to organise projects, how to monitor the participants and international events. After finishing our work we had the chance to have a rehearsal on the spot of the closing ceremony.

On Thursday afternoon the teams give a summary of the whole week’s scientific work by sharing their experiences and findings in their presentations. At 14 o’clock the main event started. Among the guests there were mayors, representatives of regional authorities, a Checz delegation of talent support experts and a team of Hungarian teachers studying how to organise projects.

Dr. Jozsef Danko – one of the initiators of the junior eco-expert project and expert of talent development– was endowed with the Bonis Bona Life Achievement Prize. On behalf of MATEHETSZ Zsuzsanna Szilágyi, the representative of European Talent Centre, Budapest passed this prize to Mr. Danko.

Another prize: the Tokaji Frenc Award Plaque was given to Alicja Ziomber, the former headteacher of the Polish partner school for her devoted work within the frame of the Junior Eco-Expert Project since 2003 contributing to its success, to the deep professional contacts and personal relationships existing between these institutions.

After the official greetings and speeches all the teams shared their findings and experiences with the audience. So, we heard a lot of interesting information about: sustainable nature conservation, a sustainable world heritage site: the Tokaj Wine Region Historic Cultural Landscape, Sustainable waste management in the region of Tokaj, Sustainable water management in the region of Tokaj, Sustainable Bodrogköz Sustainable farming and making of local products in the region of Tokaj and the summary and the main message of the whole week.

After these presentations the representatives of every nation had a cultural performance to give an insight into their traditions and share them with each other and the participating schools’ headteachers and their towns’ mayors invited for this magnificent event.

Thanks and acknowledgements to all the guests, participants and sponsors of the 16th International Junior Eco-Expert Project!

Visegrádi Alap (International Visegrad Fund – Small Grants – Project No: 11410012)
Klebelsberg Intézményfenntartó Központ Tokaji Tankerülete: Dr. Simon Csaba
Tokaj Város Polgármestere: Májer János
Tokaj Város Képviselőtestülete
Tokaji Városi Kincstár: Posta György
Kulturális és Konferenciaközpont, Tokaj: Dévald István
Tokaji Borvidék Szőlészeti és Borászati Kutatóintézet, Tarcal: Bihari Zoltán
Colas Északkő Bányászati Kft: Cseh Zoltán
Miskolci Egyetem Műszaki Földtudományi Kara Dr. Szűcs Péter dékán, Dr. Mádai Ferenc dékánhelyettes, Dr. Szunyog István, intézeti tanszékvezető
Tokaji Városi Kincstár konyhája: Gazdag Ildikó és munkatársai
Aggteleki Nemzeti Park Igazgatósága: Petrovics Zoltán
Erdős László
Tokaji Vízisport Egyesület: Simon László
Tokaj-Hegyalja, Taktaköz, Hernád-völgye Idegenforgalmi és Kulturális Egyesület
Mento Kft. a Zempléni Hulladékkezelő Zhk. üzemeltetője: Gál Szilárd
Borsodvíz Zrt. szennyvíztelepe: Kiss Attila és Hudák János
Képes Tibor és családja  gombatermesztők
Tokaji Kávépörkölő Manufaktúra és Kávéház: Prácser Hajnalka
Pásztor Péterné  Lekvárium, Tokaj
Hegyalja Piac rendezvény, Catrin Chapman szervező
Geoprodukt  Kft. Mád
Varga Méhészet Tarcal, Varga Lajos
Erdős Pince Tokaj: Erdős Zoltán
Kocsis Tanya
Mangalica feldolgozó Tiszaeszlár Kobzos István
Borecet Manufaktúra Bodrogkeresztúr
Tokaji Édességbolt: Ducsai Jánosné
Cormoran Sporthorgász Egyesület, Rakamaz: Borbély Mihály elnök
Rakamazi Öntözőfürt Szövetkezet
Tiszalöki Vízerőmű: Bereczkei Sándor, erőművezető-helyettes
Észak-Magyarországi Vízügyi Igazgatóság – Tiszalöki Vízlépcső Hajózási Szolgálat – Szőke Tamás szakszolgálat vezető
Cigánd Község Önkormányzata; Cigándi Falumúzeum