Today every participant visited Lillafüred and Miskolc. Our fist destination was Lillafüred, which is a small place near Miskolc famous for trout. We walked along the small paths, saw some monuments of the settlement and the wonderful waterfall. The team members really enjoyed being in the amazing nature in the warm and sunny weather. They took pictures and have played on a playground.

After that we went to the University of Miskolc. As a great privilege, we were greeted by the Dean of Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering in the assembly hall. After this welcome speech we were divided into 4 groups and led by some university students we started our exciting tour to explore the faculty and learn a lot about different topics, like geology or physics. We could take part in courses which were about different fields of science. These presentations were incredibly detailed, interesting and interactive thanks to the professional lecturers. We had the chance to get a better look into the life of the Uni and to learn about the different methods and studies, which they use.  All the lecturers were  very kind with us and tried to show and share their knowledge with us in a very interesting way. The older students of the university helped us to get to the right places at the right times.  Some pupils of our group could even try out programs, simulations or devices. All the participants went to six lectures of the following eight ones:

Selmec Museum Library

Soil sampling

Separation by electric and magnetic properities

Water contamination

Educational mine

Mineral collection

Oil well drilling simulation

Eötvös torsion balance

We would like to say special thanks to:

Dr. Péter Szűcs, Dean of the Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering
Dr. Ferenc Mádai, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Earth Science and Engineering
Dr. István Szunyog, Head of Natural Gas Engineering Department
and all the lecturers, representatives of the different departments and our student guides.

We had our lunch in a gorgeus park in the campus of the university. Finally, our quite big group had a chance to get an insight into the life of the centre of Miskolc. At the end of the day they could go for a walk in the town. Miskolc is an industrial city so the suburb is full of with factories. However, the centre is beautiful there are a lot of flowers, trees and nice old buildings. In the city centre everybody got some free time to look around and to shop for some souvenirs. Then we started our way to home, with exhaustion and with a lot of excellent experiences. Probably, this event will stay a a good memory for all of us.